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Nusta Karpay 7 rites of the Andean  feminine archetypes 

Nusta Karpay 
         7 rites of the Andean
      feminine archetypes 
       Rejuvenate your heart, accelerate and
       receive support for your spiritual growth
       These initiations are given by Chrysavgi Nasiou

        19 July 2024, 7:30 - 9:00 pm

       20 & 21 July 2024, 11 am ~ 5 pm 

       Price 250 euros


These rites are received in our 7 chakras. Each chakra is connected with one of the 7 archetypes of Feminine in the Andean Tradition. The rites are given in a traditional way, along with shamanic ceremonies that come before the rite, to help you connect with each Nusta. We will offer despachos, do journeying to meet them, and feed our misha.

”Mama Oc'lla”  is received in our 1st chakra. With this rite we come in contact with the little child, the little girl within ourselves and the Great Mother that holds and supports us.
”Donna Mujia” is connected to the 2nd chakra. She is a water
spirit. This rite cleans our emotions, releases jealousy, loneliness, etc.
”Mama Simon” is attached to a lineage of medicine men and women and especially our feminine ancestors and to the energy of the hummingbird. It is given to our 3rd chakra.
”Dona Teresa” is received to the 4th chakra and is connected to our heart. This rite is about forgiveness. 
”Maria Sakapana” rite is received in the throat. It is the Nusta connected with the wind and blows strongly. This rite helps us heal what holds us back, even dense energies from previous lives.  It teaches us who we are and to be in contact with what is blocking us.
The sixth rite is ”J
uana Huaman T`clla” and is connected to the third eye. This rite helps us to see all of the corners within and without body and start to understand our dreams and see our paths.
The last rite is  ”Tomasa Huaman T`clla”, the Nusta connected with the 7th chakra and the Temple of Freedom. This rite stands for integrating all of the other Nusta rites and theirs gifts. This rite starts to transform us and develops our path. It is about being and working in consensus and unity with everything.

After receiving the initiations you will create your personal misha/mesa. You create your mesa/misha by enveloping 7 stones you have chosen in a sacred cloth (handmade or ready), sacred for you. Choose stones that you have found in a river, a lake, a mountain, the sea or in a meadow. You feed your misha regularly 
and you can speak to each Nusta every day and ask for healing, guidance, clarity, wisdom, action, love or other. This is a personal misha, only for you. This misha will connect you with a lineage of archetypes and the Qero nation and its cosmology, symbolism and language. The Karpays are given over a weekend, a two days period that starts at 11 am EET until 5 pm EET. The price is 210 euros. The spoken language is greek and there is english translation. Payment is @paypal or bank transfer. Send us a message here if you wish to receive the Nusta Carpay.

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